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waseca, mn, 56093


About Finnspiration Blankets


"Finnspiration Blankets" were inspired years ago by a special boy, "Finn".

These handcrafted minky baby and toddler blankets are super soft and loved by countless babies. We know that the special little person in your life is going to love them! 

Our goal is to create a high quality minky blanket that can get drug through the mud, hit the washing machine and end up back in your child's arms by the end of the day and still look great. We feel that Finnspiration Blankets are those blankets. 

We offer a variety of minky prints at an affordable price. We continually update our stock with a variety of combinations. Feel free to request a combination you would like. If we can fulfill your request, we certainly will!



If your child doesn't 100% love their new blanket we will take it back and refund 100% of your money.