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waseca, mn, 56093

Personalize & Shipping

We offer our blankets with or without a personalized embroidered name. You can add one name at a cost of $8. If you want to add a second name, make sure you add 2 forms for a total of $16.

In order to have the blanket personalized, you will need to make sure that you also buy the personalize option with it. You can add it to your cart here.

If you do personalize the blanket, you can expect your blanket to be shipped to you within approximately 14-20 business days of purchase. 

Please note: We are subject to the scheduling of the manufacturer.  We will notify you of any delay.

If you do not want the blanket personalized, you can expect it to ship within 2 business days.

Don't know what name you want yet?  No problem! We will take the order, set a blanket aside, and wait for you to send the personalized information.